2009年11月25日 星期三


底下是改寫自 stackoverflow 的各種有趣寫法,

Zeroing structs without memset:
FStruct s = {0};
FStruct s = {};

void search (char* query) {
然後... Peter Mortensen 這樣寫到:
Fred* f = new(ram) Fred(); 
同樣是 Peter Mortensen,身份變換 :-)
class A {};
struct B {
    A a;
    operator A&() { return a; }
void func(A a) { }

int main()
    A a, c;
    B b;
    a = c;
    func (b);     //yeah baby
    a = b;        //gotta love this
Daniel Martin,Perl 運算式解析
sub e{($_)=@_;$n='( *-?[.\d]++ *)';
gnibbler,Golfscript 文字模式 Sierpinski’s Triangle:
' /\ /__\ '4/{).+: ;.{ \ ++}%\{.+}%+~ ]}@~(*n*
<td align="right" style="text-align: left">
也是惡作劇用,fork bomb:
:(){ :|:& };:
放在 source code 最上方.. 然後執行它:
//&>/dev/null;x="${0%.*}";[ ! "$x" -ot "$0" ]||(rm -f "$x";cc -o "$x" "$0")&&"$x" $*;exit
In Quake 2 src:
double normals[][] = {
    #include "normals.txt"
Multi-character constants:
enum state {
    stopped = 'STOP',
    running = 'RUN!',
    waiting = 'WAIT',
(a? b: c) = (b<c ? b: c);
Patrick post,同樣是三元運算 (q = b ? x : y)
bool b;
int  x, y;
int  q = -!!b&x|-!b&y;
算 PI:
double fldpi ()
    double pi;
    asm ("fldpi" : "=t" (pi));
    return pi;
Static linked lists:
struct llist { int a; struct llist* next;};
#define cons(x,y) (struct llist[]) {{x,y}}
struct llist *list = cons(1, cons(2, cons(3, cons(4, NULL))));
#define sum(...) \
    _sum(sizeof((int []){ __VA_ARGS__ })\
         / sizeof(int), (int []){ __VA_ARGS__ })

int _sum (size_t count, int values[])
    int s = 0;
    while (count--) s += values[count];
    return s;
int main () {printf("%i", sum (1,2,3));}
void f (int len, int *n, char c) {...}
#define SIZEOF(a) sizeof(a)/sizeof*(a) 
#define NOPAREN(...) __VA_ARGS__ 
#define F1(arr,c)  {int v[]={NOPAREN arr}; f(SIZEOF(v),v,c);} 
#define F2(c,...)  {int v[]=__VA_ARGS__;   f(SIZEOF(v),v,c);} 
#include <algorithm>;
#define MAX(x, ...) ({\
        typeof(x) ra[] = {(x), __VA_ARGS__}; \
        *std::max_element (&ra[0], &ra[sizeof ra/sizeof 0[ra]]); \
int main() {
    int i = 12;
    std::cout << MAX (i+1,1,3,6,i);
Johannes Schaub 寫的:
template <template From, template To>
union union_cast {
    From from;
    To   to;
    union_cast (From from): from(from) { }
    To getTo() const { return to; }
這是真的嗎 :-)
const MyClass& x = MyClass(); // temporary exists as long as x is in scope
Rube 累計遞增:
def foo(n)
  lambda { |i| n += i }
測驗題,不用空白來定義結構。By Bojan Resnik:
vividos 寫的:
int Func()
   // if success
   return 0;
   return -1;
goto 和 dtor 的關係:
struct A { ~A() {cout<<"dtor";} };
int main() {
    { A a; goto L; }
L:  cout<<"After L";
Evil C:
int logical_xor (int a, int b) {
    return !a != !b;
From Canadian Mind Products:
char *p;
switch (n)
  case 1:
    p = "one";
    if (0)
  case 2:
    p = "two";
    if (0)
  case 3:
    p = "three";
    printf ("%s", p);
自動初始化 a 中元素為 0(那麼,本來會做嗎?):
class C
    int a[10];
    C(): a() {}
template bitfields,by Kaz Dragon:
template <size_t X, size_t Y>
struct bitfield
    char left  : X;
    char right : Y;
出自 Comptrol:
template <typename T> 
class Creator { 
    friend void appear() {  // a new function ::appear(), but it doesn't // exist until Creator is instantiated 
Creator<void> miracle;  // ::appear() is created at this point 
Creator<double> oops;   // ERROR: ::appear() is created a second time!

template <typename T> 
class Creator { 
    friend void feed(Creator<T>*){  // every T generates a different // function ::feed() 
Creator<void> one;     // generates ::feed(Creator<void>*) 
Creator<double> two;   // generates ::feed(Creator<double>*)
用於 non-tmpl 的類 boost::identity。
出自 Johannes Schaub:
template<typename T> 
struct id { typedef T type; };

// void (*f)(); // same
id<void()>::type *f;

// void (*f(void(*p)()))(int); // same
id<void(int)>::type *f(id<void()>::type *p);

// int (*p)[2] = new int[10][2]; // same
id<int[2]>::type *p = new int[10][2];

// void (C::*p)(int) = 0; // same
id<void(int)>::type C::*p = 0;
原載於 Sumant Tambe 的 Blog:
template<class T>   // (a) a base template
void f( T ) {
    std::cout << "f(T)\n";
void f<>(int*) {    // (b) an explicit specialization
    std::cout << "f(int *) specilization\n";
template<class T>   // (c) another, overloads (a)
void f( T* ) {
    std::cout << "f(T *)\n";
void f<>(int*) {    // (d) another identical explicit specialization
    std::cout << "f(int *) another specilization\n";
用複雜方法做簡單的事? 出自 Marcus Lindblom:
template<int> class foo;
template<> struct foo<0> {
    int* get() { return array; }
    int* array;  
template<int i> struct foo: public foo<i-1> {
    int* get() { return array + 1; }  

